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Exploring New Ideas

UNESCO Chair for Gender and Digital Technologies

The UNESCO Chair for Gender and Digital technologies is part of the UNESCO/UNITWIN Science Chairs Programme.


The Research Chair for Gender in Digital Technologies aims to harness the power of Computing and Engineering to enable greater participation of women and girls in society, decision-making, politics and in the digital revolution.
Research, innovation and development projects under this Chairship focus on
  • recruitment and retention of women and girls to the field of Computing and Engineering; capacity building programmes to enhance skills of women of girls in Computing and thereby also addressing gender inclusiveness issues in technology design;
  • digital solutions to mitigate offline and cyber GBV;
  • and increasing women and girls’ socio-economic participation, especially for girls at risk.
Primary methods for the development of intervention include participatory community-based co-design and co-creation utilising Research through Design (RtD) approaches. As the research is interdisciplinary in nature, a number of national and international research collaborators, partners, and postgraduate students will form part of the Research Chair initiative.